Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"home-made" bun

Ever since my son got big enough to pull my hair, I've always kept my hair up in a bun of some sort. And then the hair-donut became this big new thing and even though I had known about it for a while - I never bought one to try. 
my self-made donut

See, I have a lot of hair, both long and thick. And I like some volume in my hair, makes my face look thinner. So, if a donut was to be tried. It needed to be huge!
As I was looking online for the biggest ones, I found a way to make my own. And so, I did!

It's really not that hard. Take a pair of socks, cut the toe-part. Put one inside the other and roll to form a donut. I then used a leg from a pair of pantyhose and rolled that one on the sock-donut, this is espacially good if your socks are of completely different color than your hair.

It only took about two-three minutes to make. And best part, I decide how big or small I want the donut to be!

Today was actually the first time I decided to try it out, in public... Worked perfectly, awsome! Althought, next time I'll have to use more pins in my hair... Or some hairspray. Either way. Here's a picture of my bun made with the help from my old socks. 

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