Friday, September 21, 2012


Just got an e-mail from Glitter to say I was one of their lucky winners of the competition they had a week or so ago. So now it's just to sit back and wait for my prize - a hair-kit with different hair accessories and other hair-related things, all worth 500SEK.

I found out about the competition through their swedish facebook-page. Check them out!

Yeey! So excited!!! Hope it the package gets here before I go to Stockholm.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

the chilean independence day

chilean-styled nails

Today was a good day - still is! It's the chilean independence day and I'm celebrating as much as one can while sick... But as I've been in the spirit of celebration and in touch with my chilean side today I felt like giving my nails a little "make-over" in true chilean-ness. I rarely care much for my nails so this was a little challenging for me but hey, who doesn't like a challenge, right?

plastic glitter heart-ring

On top of that, I ordered a ring a few weeks back and it finally came today. Real cute! And fit me perfectly - so happy.
I bought it online, at Accessorize,
but they probably have them in stores as well.
I'm inlove with it, haven't taken it off since I got it.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

dancehall = no standards?

Just finished listening to an interview on Metropol 93,8 with Million Stylez. As they spoke they got into how the number of dancehall clubs have decreased in Sweden and how maybe it could be 'cause the club-owners don't always like the crowd that dancehall attracts.

As bad or discriminating as it might sound. I understand the club-owners more than well!
I love dancehall and urban music of all kinds. Don't take me wrong.
But even me as just a "normal" person going to the club to party, I've gotten real tired of how LOW the standards are. I'm the kind of girl that loves her heels and dresses and makes sure her make-up, hair and nails are on point before stepping into a club. And even after going crazy on the dancefloor I still try my best to keep up my appearance. But when you just spent 1,5h blow-drying your hair just to curl it again - the last thing you wanna see are a group of girls that look like they just woke up and left the house!

Back in -09 I sort of lived in London for a while. And while there, I partied non-stop. Ask any of my friends... I was out monday-sunday. No rest.
And it seemed like no matter where I went, no matter what day, no matter what music. People took their time making sure to look their best. Sure, there are always a few who don't care but on the bigger scale as you went in to a club, you felt like this club has got some GOOD looking people, ready to party and have fun. Not like you just stepped in to a private slumber-party somewhere...

The clubowners need for people to pay entrance. And why would I wanna pay a fee to get into a houseparty?

Sweden has a lot of people who LOVES dancehall and all urban. And anyone who has a dancehall party or brings an artist know there's potentially money. But not the way it's being done here...
I'm not saying everyone has to look like barbie-dolls or models in order to party. No! I'm far from it myself. But atleast try, put on a pair of heels. Wear some make-up. And guys, take the hat off and what about leaving those oversized Bob Marley t-shirts for the streets and wear a nice shirt and some clean shoes.

It's not about having to buy a new outfit everytime one goes out (even though I like too), it's just about making yourself  look the best you can possibly look. It's a party people, start looking like it!

I truelly believe that if the clubs could start a dresscode and people follow it - more diverse people would come to enjoy the music, entrances would be payed, people would feel the vibe and the party atmosphare and feel like drinking and dressing up. And NOT fight! And that would make the club owners see a different part of dancehall- and urban-culture and feel like actually bringing back the clubs we all miss these days...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"home-made" bun

Ever since my son got big enough to pull my hair, I've always kept my hair up in a bun of some sort. And then the hair-donut became this big new thing and even though I had known about it for a while - I never bought one to try. 
my self-made donut

See, I have a lot of hair, both long and thick. And I like some volume in my hair, makes my face look thinner. So, if a donut was to be tried. It needed to be huge!
As I was looking online for the biggest ones, I found a way to make my own. And so, I did!

It's really not that hard. Take a pair of socks, cut the toe-part. Put one inside the other and roll to form a donut. I then used a leg from a pair of pantyhose and rolled that one on the sock-donut, this is espacially good if your socks are of completely different color than your hair.

It only took about two-three minutes to make. And best part, I decide how big or small I want the donut to be!

Today was actually the first time I decided to try it out, in public... Worked perfectly, awsome! Althought, next time I'll have to use more pins in my hair... Or some hairspray. Either way. Here's a picture of my bun made with the help from my old socks. 

paandooraa's latest loves @ Fashiolista