Spent all morning and afternoon reading about different Uni's here in Sweden and reading about what they have to offer. More precisely what they have to offer in order for me to do what I want, Event Management.
Even though I found more than expected, the program wasn't exactly like I wanted it at times. Til I came across the Music & Event Management program at Linnéuniversitet. I doubt I could find a more perfectly suited program at any Uni in the world for me.
The program is for a duration of three years. Half of that time, one and a half years, is spent in Campus Hultsfred. Where one learns all about concerts, artists and the whole business first hand. After that it's back to the actual Uni in Kalmar where it's more books than party. But the last year one has the choice of going abroad to learn more there and see how other countries do it.
Would love to go to either the States or UK. But first things first, get my studies on and get in the Uni!